With a twinkle in her eyes

Created by Debbie 3 years ago
I met Jenny when I started working at the University of North London back in 1994. Jenny was the union negotiator at the time, and soon talked me into standing for a role on the branch committee alongside her. Jenny was always a total inspiration and a rock-solid support, I learnt so much from her. She always treated everyone with total respect, whether she agreed with them or not, and her integrity and instinctive sense of justice meant she was hugely respected and trusted by all.  As well as always working tirelessly for staff, supporting and representing many, she was instrumental in getting numerous important policies introduced & improved. Jenny made things happen and her many many achievements were amazing & remarkable, and made a hugely significant, positive and tangible difference.
Jenny & I would regularly meet up for dinners where we would spend wonderful hours talking about our lives, our hopes, our dreams and our shared history – Jenny’s mum was German and mine Austrian. The most caring & sympathetic friend, always there whether good or difficult times, providing unconditional support & encouragement, overflowing with humour and love. Always inspiring, her patience, fundamental goodness and open-mindedness shone through as did her very mischievous humour!
Jenny’s passion and dedication to her family and friends, and what she believed in, always blazed like a bright beacon through everything. When I think of Jenny, she is always smiling - I think of her wicked laugh, her delightful sense of fun, her loyalty, her integrity & passion, her love of life, her amazing humanity, always encouraging, always supportive. A truly exceptional, unique & inspirational person - the most amazing special friend who made such a difference to mine and so many people’s lives. I feel so honoured and immensely privileged to have had Jenny in my life.
Dearest Jenny, I will miss you so very very much my love. Debbie xxx