Jenny, me and negotiating with management

Created by Keith 3 years ago

Jenny was a great trade unionist. She realised that whilst fighting collectively was essential it is equally important to support members on a individual level. To show you care, to take the time to check on them and make sure they know whatever they had a friend on their side. Jenny was also a good judge of character and never judged people badly - to Jenny everyone had their good side. Even Managers! Many times I would come out of meetings and say 'Jenny don't be so nice to the B's' - but Jenny wasn't really just being nice she was identifying the dilemmas they were going through, subtly raising the contradictions in their arguments.

I will miss Jenny enormously, I never really told her just how much I thought of her but I think she knew.  Working in the union office late, Jenny waiting to get a taxi home, we would spend an hour laughing sometimes raucous and dirty, Jenny feeding me vegan treats, sharing stories, proudly talking about her family and always as she left telling me not to stay too late. She cared.


Jenny was a force for good and her memory will live on.

Keith xxx